Saturday, August 31, 2019

Acct 504 Case Study 2

ACCT504 – Accounting and Finance: Managerial Use and Analysis| Case Study 2| Evaluation of LJB Company’s Internal Controls| | [Type the author name]| Due: Feburary 10, 2013| Table of Contents Paragraph Introduction1 Accounting regulations2 Establishing a Control Environment3 Segregation of duties4 Segregation of record keeping form physical custody 5 Policies for petty cash6 Pre-numbered invoices 7 Distribution of paychecks8 Hiring policies9 Independent internal verification 10 Conclusion 11The following is an evaluation of LJB Company’s internal controls, based on the information provided by the President of the company in an effort to prepare his company for the requirements needed to be a publically run company. First, I will establish the legal requirement needed and the importance of internal controls for an organization. Then I will review the current policies and establish better internal controls for each area of concern. Once these policies have been ins tituted by the LJB Company, they should be ready to proceed with their plan to go public.There are many accounting regulations required by a public company. All accounting reports must follow the FASB and SEC guidelines. However, the newest accounting guidelines fall under the Saranes-Oxley act of 2002. The Act mandates reform to improve financial disclosure from companies and to reduce fraud. It requires that senior management must verify the accuracy of the reported financial statement. Plus it requires that management and auditors maintain a system of internal controls and report the methods of these controls.If the company doesn’t comply with the requirements, they could be subject to hefty fines. Before establishing internal controls, it is essential that the company establishes their control environment. The company’s management must clearly outline its goals, standards and ethics since they â€Å"set the stage† for the atmosphere and integrity for the ent ire organization. With the control environment in place, management can then implement its internal controls. I will review what control activities the company is doing right and what the company will need to change.The following control activities will be reviewed; segregation of duties, establishment of responsibility, adequate documents and records, physical control over assets and records and independent checks on performance. Currently, the LJB Company has one person who serves as the Treasurer and Controller. His responsibility includes purchases and paying for all of the supplies. This policy leaves the company venerable to fraud and increases the chances of errors. The company must establish a segregation of duties.Responsibilities should be separate, so no employee should be in the position to both make and conceal errors or fraud in the normal course of their duties. Therefore, I would recommend one person should be in charge of purchasing the supplies and that all purchas es should be approved by a supervisor. Another person should be in charge of paying for the supplies and verifying that the purchase is accurate and approved. This should reduce the risk of undetected errors and limit the opportunity for fraudulent behavior.In addition to the purchasing/paying duties, the accounting person also receives the checks and completes the monthly bank reconciliation. When one individual is responsible for both activities, the potential for errors and irregularities is increased. There should be a segregation of record keeping form and physical custody. The accountant should not have custody of the checks and be responsible for the monthly band reconciliation. There should be a policy in which the work is either separated or reviewed by a supervisor. Next, I will review the company’s policy for petty cash.The current system allows every employee access to the cash and they are only required to leave a note if they remove any funds. This policy violat es many proper internal control activities. The company needs to establish who is ultimately responsible for handling the petty cash. Only authorized personnel should have access to the funds. Expenses paid from the petty cash fund can only be made for the purpose the fund was authorized and must be supported by a receipt. When it is not in use, the petty cash box must be placed in a locked safe or cabinet.An independent count of the receipts and cash on hand must be performed regularly by an accounting officer or supervisor. The new policy of using pre-numbered invoices is an excellent way to insure that all documents are accounted for. It will also help errors such as, entering the record in more than once or missing entries entirely. Any gap in the numerical sequence may indicate a problem and possibly catch errors. I would also recommend the purchase of indelible ink machine to print checks. This will insure that the ink cannot be erased or washed away for fraudulent use.Next we will review the controls set up regarding issuing paychecks. The current procedure has the accountant picking up the paychecks and leaving them in his office for pick up. The checks are locked into a safe if he leaves for the weekend. When you pay employees, certain controls are needed to reduce the risk of fraud or errors. Whenever possible, the accountant should hand the checks directly to the employee, and always lock up undistributed paychecks. Another solution would be to have your employees set their paychecks to be automatically deposited directly into their personal bank account.The next step is to review your hiring policies. I would recommend counting the policy of having both the President and the accountant interview and make decisions on hiring an individual. However, I would also recommend implementing the following policies. If an employee handles cash, the company should have that employee bonded to protect the company from theft. A thorough background check should be run on each employee. All credentials should be verified by phone or by receiving a copy if applicable. After the employee has been vetted, be sure to cross train employees.This will be useful when you require employees to take vacations and rotate employee’s duties. All of these practices should lower the risk of employee theft. To ensure the reliability of the accounting information, an employee’s duties should be verified by others who do did not do the work themselves. I would also recommend that the company sets up a system for an independent internal verification. The company should audit data prepared by an employee periodically. This person should be independent of the activities or department of the person being audited.All discrepancies will need to be reported to management, so corrective action should be taken. In conclusion, establishing a system of internal controls will create a system of checks and balances that will reduce fraud, errors, increase ef fectiveness and insure they are fully compliant will all laws and regulation. Each internal control is the means by which an organization’s resources are directed, monitored and measured. These recommendations will help the company establish specific policies and procedures they will need to reach their goals of becoming a publically traded company. Resources

Friday, August 30, 2019

Developmental History Case Study Essay

Child’s Name: Rita G.Lapid Date of Interview: November 7 2007 Date of Birth: June, 20 2003 Age of child: 4 Address: 136 Bellemont St. Greenville, Manila Phone: n/a (private purposes) School: New Jerusalem School (NJS) Grade: Pre-school, Kinder-1 Teacher: Female, Mrs. Rosia Lewer Referral Information: Why are you seeking help for this child? She has delayed language development. Who referred you to our services? NJS School Pediatrician, Ms. Emelita Zobel What kind of services are you seeking? I am seeking psychological consultation for my daughter about her delayed speech problem. PRIMARY CAREGIVER/PARENT INFORMATION Father Name: Rino S. Lapid Address (if different from mother): 136 Bellemont St. Greenville, Manila Phone: n/a Employment: Civil Engineer Length of Employment: 10 years Occupation: Engineer Highest Grade Level: College Degree, MA, PhD Stepfather: n/a Primary Language: Tagalog Secondary Language: English Mother Name: Magdalene G. Lapid Address: 136 Bellemont St. Greenville, Manila Phone: n/a Employment: none Length of Employment: n/a Occupation: Housewife Highest Grade Level: College Degree Stepmother: n/a Primary Language: Tagalog Secondary Language: English Primary Caregiver With what adults does this child live? The child resides together with her parents How long in the current living situation? The child has started this state since birth. Name of Caregiver: Magdalene G. Lapid Relationship to Child: Mother Address:136 Bellemont St. Greenville, Manila Age: 31 Home Phone: n/a Work Phone: n/a Occupation: Housewife Employer: n/a How long with present employer: n/a Highest grade Completed: College degree Primary Language: Tagalog Secondary Language: English FAMILY HISTORY Please list all brothers and sisters, and any other children living with the family Age Sex Relationship to this child living at home? Rita G. Lapid ———–Female—————–4 yrs old——————- Only child CHILD CARE If primary caregiver works outside the home, please provide the following information. Who cares for this child when caregivers are gone? The caregiver is basically the child’s mother who is a housewife. If in case the mother is gone, the father or the housemaid takes care of the child. How many hours per day is this child in a child-care setting? 5 hours per day, 4 days a week How many different people care for this child? Usually the mother takes care of the child; however, if the mother is not available, the father or housemaid assumes the role. PREGNANCY Planned pregnancy? Yes Pregnancy under doctor’s care: Yes Number of previous miscarriages: n/a Check any of the following complications that occurred during the pregnancy ______Difficulty in conception ______Toxemia _______ Abnormal weight gain ______Measles Check Excessive vomiting _______German measles Check Excessive swelling Check Emotional problems Check Vaginal bleeding ______Flu ________Anemia Check High blood pressure Rh-incompatibility: n/a Maternal injury: Describe: n/a Hospitalization during pregnancy: Reason: For consultations and routine check-up purposes X-rays during pregnancy: n/a Medications used during pregnancy: n/a Alcohol used during pregnancy: no Cigarettes during pregnancy: no Other drugs used during pregnancy: n/a Paracetamol——————————–500mg————————- As needed BIRTH At this child’s birth, what was the mother’s age? 27 yrs old Fathers Age?28 yrs old Mother’s age at birth of FIRST child? 27 yrs old Was this child born in the hospital? Yes If No, where? n/a Length of pregnancy: 9 months and 5 days Birth Weight: not remembered by mother Length of Labor: n/a Apgar Score: n/a Child’s condition at birth: normal and stable Mother’s condition at birth: normal and stable Check any of the following complications that occurred during birth: ______Forceps used ______Breech Birth ______Labor Induced Check Caesarean Delivery Other Delivery Complications: n/a Incubator: No How long? n/a Jaundiced: No Bilirubin Lights? No If Yes, How Long? n/a Breathing Problems right after birth: n/a Supplemental Oxygen: No If yes, how long? n/a Was anesthesia used during delivery? Yes If yes, what kind? n/a DEVELOPMENT At what age did this child first do the following? Please indicate year/month of age. Turn Over: 4 mos. Walk down Stairs: 1- 1 and 5 mos. yr. old Sit Alone: not observed Show interest in or attraction to sound: not observed Crawl: 9 months Understand first words: 2 yrs old Sand Alone: 2 yrs old Speak first words: 3 yrs old, (da-da, ma-ma) Walk Alone: 2 yrs old Speak in sentences: n/a Walk up Stairs: 2 yrs old Was this child breast-fed? No When weaned? n/a Was this child bottle-fed? Yes When weaned? n/a When was this child toilet trained? 2 yrs old Days: vary Nights: vary Did bed wetting occur after toilet training? Yes If yes, until what age? 3 yrs. old Did bed-soling occur after toilet training? No Has this child experienced any of the following problems? If yes, please describe. Walking difficulty: No Unclear Speech: Yes My daughter’s speech is somewhat delayed. She only speaks the words ma-ma or da-da, but she still cannot forms any phrase.   In addition, she started speaking these words very late. Sleep Problem: No Feeding Problem: No Underweight Problem: No Eating Problem: No Overweight Problem: No Colic: No Difficulty learning to Ride a Bike: Yes My daughter is having a hard time riding her bicycle. She seems to play with it but not like any other kids. She just stairs on it, touches it and every time we place her on the bike, she gets disappointed. It is a bit weird to have a behavior like that. Difficulty Learning to Skip: Yes I have not seen her skipping ever since. I don’t know why. She only plays with her dolls and seems to be introvert in terms of her behavior. Difficulty Learning to Throw and Catch: Yes She does not play throw and catch. If a ball for example is thrown to her, she just looks at it and dodges it. During this child’s first four (4) years, were any special problems noted in the following areas? If yes, please describe. Eating: No Motor skills: Yes She moves less frequently and does not show any active participation in school, other children or even inside the house. She just plays with her dolls, which seems to be her only world. Sleeping too much: No Temper tantrums: No Excessive crying: No Sleeping too little: No Failure to thrive: No Separating from parents: No Which hand does this child used for writing or drawing? Right Eating? Right Has this child been forced to change writing hand? No MEDICAL HISTORY Childhood Illnesses/Injuries Please check the illnesses this child has had and indicate age, year and month Measles: No  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rheumatic fever: No German measles: No Diphtheria: No Mumps: No Meningitis: No Chicken pox: No Encephalitis: No Tuberculosis: No Anemia: No Whooping Cough: No Fever above 1040: No Scarlet Fever: No Broken bone: No Head injury: No Sustained high fever: No Coma or any loss of consciousness: No Illness/Operations Has this child ever been on any medication for six months or more? No Please indicate whether this child currently has any of the following problems. Respiratory Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal ______Frequent colds  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­_______Shortness of breath _______Excessive vomiting ____Chronic cough ___Dizziness with physical exertion _____Frequent diarrhea ________Asthma ________Activity limited due to heart _______Constipation ______ Hay fever ________Condition ______Stomach pain ______Sinus condition ______Heart murmur Genitourinary Musculosketetal Neurological Check Urination in pants/bed _______Muscle pain ______Seizures/convulsions ______Pain while urinating ________Clumsy walk Check Speech defects ______ Excessive urination Check Poor posture _______Bites nails ______Strong odor to urine _______ Other muscle problems _____Sucks thumb ______Tics/twitches______ Bangs head Check Rocks back and forth Allergies Skin ________Allergy to medicine 0Frequent rashes ________Allergy to Food 0Bruises easily ________Bowel movements in other allergies _____ Sores _____ Pants/bed _____Severe acne _____ Itchy skin (Eczema) Speech Hearing Vision ______Stuttering ______ Ear infections ______ Vision problems Check Unclear speech ______ Hearing problems ______ Glasses/contacts Delayed speech Other speech problems _______Ear tubes Date of most recent speech exam: August 20, 2007 Date of most recent hearing exam: n/a Date of most recent vision exam: n/a MEDICAL CARE Child’s Physician: Emilta Zobel How often does child see doctor? My daughter is having her check-up twice every 6 months since last year. Is this child currently on medication? No Has this child ever been physically or sexually abused or neglected? No Has this child ever had psychological counseling or therapy? No Has this child ever had a neurological exam? No Has this child ever had a psychological or psychiatric exam? No Developmental Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Starting out with the brief background, the client is the only child of the couple with one housemaid living together in the capital city of Manila. The child, having the primary concern of language development delays, has been recommended by the school pediatrician for a psychological consultation. The primary breadwinner of the family is the father who is actually a civil engineer, while the mother resides solely in the house as the housewife. The care of the child is distributed among the three individuals in the house; however, the primary care is given by the mother herself. The child is studying in a private school, NJS, in a kinder-1 preschool level.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the initial statement mentioned by the mother, the child is said to be having delayed speech problem; however, other fields of child development are normal in the case of the child. Upon assessment of care delivery, it has been concluded that the child receives specific parental attention of the mother in the child’s earliest years. The care of the child is subjected to three important personas with housemaid as the last option of care facilitator. In such case, we can conclude that the care needed by the child is adequately provided by appropriate significant individuals. There have been no conception anomalies noted in the assessment phase; hence, clinical or congenital contributors are most likely negative in terms of child condition effect. However, the mother has had excessive swelling, emotional problems due to personal reasons, slight vaginal bleeding noted and occurrence of high blood pressure. Some of these signs and symptoms are most commonly associated with pre-eclamptic effect (Erickson, 2005 p.23), although the mother has not indicated any possible diagnosis of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Language development can be affected by drug intake during period of pregnancy especially during times of critical brain development particularly during the 1st quarter of the pregnancy (Johnson & Eviritt, 2000 p.216); however, the only medicine that has been noted is Paracetamol, which apparently is not anymore significant since the intake is only during times of fever. In addition, the pregnancy has not suffered any significant medical difficulties aside from the following mentioned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Analyzing now the developmental features of the child, the speech developmental delays are the evident features of the child. The child has spoken her first words at the age of 3 yrs old, which is supposed to be less than one year old. Moreover, the child has not spoken any complete phrase, but only baby-talk words, da-da or ma-ma. The mother mentioned that the child speaks less frequently, which is contrary to the normal language development of a child that is, supposedly, speaking more than 2000 words at the age of one (Philipps & Guilherme, 2004 p.12). During the assessment of the cues that might participate in the relationship of such effect, other behavioral alterations are observed. The child manifests inappropriate introvert behaviors that are usually found in some delayed psychological and/ or mental impaired condition. The child is having difficulties riding bicycle as well as skipping; however, the problem, basically, is not due to motor impairments but rather due to substantial cognitive and psychological in the essence. Other associated problems are not evident in the child, especially physical in origin. Another manifesting deviation on the child’s behavior is primarily related on her social character. The child enters school with other kids; however, as stated by the mother, the child possesses an isolative behavior that tends to remove her attention towards mingling with other kinds. Instead, the child focuses imaginative play in an object, particularly her doll. If we analyzed the given statement in terms of part records, the child has never had any negative experiences in the past, such as trauma, rape or accident, which may have caused this certain behavior. The client has never had any physical impairment or a disease that may have contributes to this psychological manifestations. Moreover, the child is not into medication, treatment procedures or psychological supervision that aims to take hold of the situation. In fact, this is the first time that the child is having her psychological assessment; however, she has had initial check-ups that resulted to referral for psychological examination. In addition to the client’s assessment, she also possesses poor postural features noted on her back, and urination in bed, although this has been alleviated just recently through trainings. Moreover, the client has manifested enigmatic behavior such as rocking back and forth with less perception on her environment. Discussing now possible disorder pathology, the case of the patient has wide range of possibilities in terms of disorder development. The following two conditions are the closest; however, still requires further validation and assessment of the client features. The first is the possibility of Asperser’s Syndrome progression, which is primarily evident due to her poor social capacity, delayed language progression and imaginative play with enigmatic behavioral flaws. Second, is language development delay, which involves the primary concern of the patient that is speech delay. In the analysis of possible Asperger’s syndrome development, the patient involves the primary signs of the condition such as the impairments in language, social participations and imaginative play. However, the only validated impairment is the speech delay. Other impairments are resulted by the parental observation, which apparently, still requires further assessment on the child. The child may exhibit these behaviors as due to situational causation, which happens to be unfamiliar with the parents, or a behavioral altering family situation that displaces the normal behavior of the child. This may be difficult to diagnose as of now since, the case of the child does not support the major and specific behaviors associated with the condition. Although if the child progresses in this type of developmental pattern, she may acquire maladaptive behavior such as introversion, social self-degradation, self-infliction, and worst of all, further progression towards Asperger’s condition. In terms of language development delay, the child maybe be evidently having such developmental deficit; however, other symptoms are contradicting the statement, since behavioral isolation is not present if the case is solely language development problem. However, the possibility is still there that the child is just experiencing this development lag, and with further trainings, can help improve language development. The following implications are based on critical interpretation and analysis of the gathered data from the psychological assessment history taking. It does not, however, conclude that the client possess the featured conditions. Although, this are the possibilities that may incur to the child if behavioral patterns progress. References Erickson, T. (2005). Pediatric Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Poisoned Child. McGraw-Hill Professional. Johnson, M., & Eviritt, M. J. (2000). Essentials in Reproduction. Blackwell Publishing. Philipps, A. M., & Guilherme, M. (2004). Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Language and Intercultural Development. Multilingual Matters.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Great Wall Golf & Country Club Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Great Wall Golf & Country Club - Case Study Example The goal of Great Wall Golf & Country Club was not only to maintain its status but to be the best in Asia. From the case, we find that majority of senior managers were of Chinese origin who were recruited from the hospitality industry of Singapore and Hong Kong. When the Chinese market was at it’s over saturation level, the employees from the Mainland China were needed to take up the sport in order to continue the pace of Golf Course Development. Also, in order to increase the efficiency of the operations and developing specific skills, Great Wall Golf & Country Club organized itself with the help of HRM Department. The HR Department was used as a means of change agent, administrative expert, strategic partner and the champion of the employee in order to deliver the value. Recruitment & Retention: In order to meet the growing demand of Golfing facilities in China, 2000 employees were recruited by placing ads on the newspaper. The employees were selected on the basis of their e xperience and interpersonal skills accessed during an interview by HR Department. Due to the migrant nature of the employees, staffing was considered as a challenge for many businesses. In spite of being paid high, many employees resigned from the job after 18 to 24 months either due to financial reasons or because they wanted to be with their families. The Great Wall Golf & Country Club had the ability to retain the staffs due to their long-standing relations with the members. Food & Beverage, Caddies & Membership services, Golf Club reception were the departments where the long term services would initiate towards increasing the service standards of the customer thereby enabling The Great Wall Golf & Country Club to obtain its strategic objective, i.e., provide services of high quality. Education and Training & Development: The goal of Great Wall Golf & Country Club was to give services of high quality to its 2000 employees. The successful businessmen and government officials pref erred a high quality service. Delivery of high quality service was a challenging task in China which could be achieved by educating and training the employees. In many service industries, the employees were given the same pay cheque without considering the quality of the work. Human Resource Department provided language and practical training to the employees, generating awareness regarding the service and the mission, increasing the confidence level of the employees and also paying them according to the quality of the work performed in order to enhance their performance level for delivering better services. Therefore, it can be observed that the HRM practices in Great Wall Golf & Country Club fits together strategically. The strategies not only enabled the organization to attract employees from different regions but also retain them, as provided facilities at Great Wall were considerably more attractive compared to the industrial settings. The employees, especially who were migrate d, felt more confident as their fundamental needs were taken care of by the HRM practices. 2.0. How Do the HRM Practices at Great Wall Support Great Wall’s Strategy? Great Wall’s strategy has been to be world class in terms of provided services and facilities and also to be ‘among the best in Asia’. Great Wall’s prime emphasis was related towards quality, profit as well as innovation. The other aspects

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Emission Trading Schemes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Emission Trading Schemes - Essay Example [1]. Emissions' trading has emerged over the last two decades as the preferred environmental policy tool. The key advantage of emissions trading is that firms can flexibly choose to meet their targets, rather than use predetermined technologies or standards - i.e., command-and-control policies. Emissions sources with low-cost reduction opportunities can over comply and sell their additional allowances to sources where reductions would be more difficult and costly. This leads to the lowest overall cost, or most economically efficient solution. Emissions' trading is particularly relevant to climate change mitigation as carbon dioxide (CO2) and other green-house gases (GHGs) have the same effect wherever they are emitted and compliance costs differ dramatically across sources. Hence there is considerable scope for trading, and opportunity for considerable gains from these trades. Experience in the United States and other countries have shown that well-designed emissions trading programs can reduce environmental policy costs by as much as 50%. [1]. The origins of the EU-ETS date back to 1992 when 180 countries signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Following negotiations under this agreement, the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997, committing the industrialized nations to an averaged 5.2% reduction from 1990 levels by the first commitment period in 2008-2012. The EU-ETS officially began on January 1, 2005 and consists of a "warm-up" phase from 2005-2007 and then successive 5-year periods, with the second phase from 2008-2012 set to coincide with the Kyoto compliance period. Six key industrial sectors are covered, notably electricity and heat production plants greater than 20MW capacity. Other included sectors (with specific facility size thresholds) are oil refineries, coke ovens, metal ore and steel installations, cement kilns, glass manufacturing, ceramics manufacturing, and paper, pulp and board mills. These sectors are likely to account for around 12,000 installations (depending on the final details of the specification process), and represent close to half of the total CO2 emissions from the EU-25 countries. Participating companies are allocated allowances, each allowance representing a ton of the relevant emission, in this case carbon dioxide equivalent. Emissions' trading allows companies to emit in excess of their allocation of a llowances by purchasing allowances from the market. Similarly, a company that emits less than its allocation of allowances can sell its surplus allowances. [1]. Monitoring and reporting of an installation's emissions are carried out based on binding EU-wide guidelines mainly through fuel purchases and use of emissions factors, although continuous monitoring and third party verification are allowed. All self-reported emissions must be verified by an independent third party (similar to an auditor reviewing a firm's financial accounts). [2].Methodologies are under development to allow inclusion of additional sources, greenhouse gases and emissions factors. Hefty fines exists for non-compliance (40 Euro/TCO2 from 2005-2007, then 100Euro/TCO2 from 2008 onwards), levels that are considerably higher than most predictions of allowance prices. [3]. Even though the EU ETS will ultimately be judged on the basis of its effectiveness as a tool to reduce GHG emissions, the underlying rationale for choosing emissions trading was based on economic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Services Program and Profession Unit 1 discussion Research Paper

Human Services Program and Profession Unit 1 discussion - Research Paper Example I recognized that it feels awesome to help with anything I possibly can such as providing people assistance in various situations through the current knowledge and resources I know that can help. The vision that I could be an instrumental contributor to the betterment of mankind’s wellbeing led me to the field of human services. What are some of the populations and career settings you would like to work with in the future? I currently am a single mom with three kids and anything I know I do not mind sharing. Some of the populations I look forward working with are children facing various forms of abuse. I envision myself as a clinical social worker and focus on finding ways and means to prevent and minimize child abuse. The â€Å"Tips for Online Success† presented in the Illinois Online Network proffered pertinent techniques that would assist students through the term. As disclosed, the ten tips focus on participating; asking when some areas need clarifications; being actively involved and committed; and taking advantage of the benefits of distance or online learning. Honestly, it is one’s personal contention that when students are really committed to learn, whether in traditional classroom setting or through online modules, the objective to apply what one learned is of paramount

Monday, August 26, 2019

Critically assess the attractions of commodities as an asset class Essay

Critically assess the attractions of commodities as an asset class over the short and long-term - Essay Example The ever-expanding list now also includes products such as financial instruments and stock indexes that trade on a commodity exchange. Commodities can be considered to be an asset class in their own right and long-term investments in the same have resulted in equity-like returns to investors. An investment can generally be considered a separate asset class when its returns are independent of other asset classes; its returns are both positive and significantly different from cash; its return cannot be replicated with a combination of other asset classes. Commodities have all these characteristics and therefore provide considerable investment portfolio diversification opportunities. It provides return and risk opportunities beyond that of simple inflation hedging and has sources of risk and return that are significantly different from and independent of traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. Moreover, its advantage lies primarily in that its risk and return trade-offs cannot be easily replicated through other investment alternatives. Thus commodity investment has enormous growth potential and poses some unique attraction for investors who understand its unique characteristics, benefits and challenges. For instance, commodities generally outperform other asset classes in an expansionary phase and deliver extra-ordinary returns within short periods. Like property, commodities offer low to negative correlation with equities and bonds and fixed income instruments and, therefore, provide a natural balancing and sobering effect on the portfolio. A correlation coefficient is a number between -1 and 1 that measures the degree to which two variables are linearly related. A positive correlative coefficient means that the two variables are directly related, i.e. the value of one will increase or decrease along with the increase or decrease in the other. A negative correlation means that the variables are inversely related and when one

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sex Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sex Education System - Essay Example Education has always remained the main concern for all the nations of world. States use to organize high level group of professionals to formulate the education policy for the betterment of their future generations, but have not taken enough steps for the sex education system. The introduction of sex education system in schools and colleges are an important subject. Sex and the sex education is still measured as unmentionable even in many developed nations. Parents feel discomfited to converse openly with their kids in this issue. This ignorance they become the victim of different sexually transmitted diseases.The sex education program system was first initiated by American government to the public schools in 1913. Since then, the topic has been a burning debate among many people. The main theme of the sex education in the school level was to beware the children from the sexual abuses and diseases.In this debatable subject, one section of the society believes that these kinds of insu bstantial issues should be left to the parents. While parents feel uncomfortable to talk openly on sex with their children. On the contrary side, the upsetting raise of sex related diseases emphasize that it is vital that sex education should be given more significance in the all educational institutions especially in the schools and colleges. Many believe that sex education only obliterates the morality of people because they consider that sex education educates students only about how sexual intercourse should be done.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal Essay - 6

A letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal - Essay Example ts ahead of credit cards, I would like to bring to your attention my support and satisfaction towards the article and the author because I felt that it highlighted the reasons for that payment trend and was straight to the point. The payment of Mortgages before the credit card has been the normal way and has been in effect for a very long period of time, this is exactly what lenders expect from consumers. New information from TransUnion, which is a firm that deals with reporting credit related information, supports this stand that normal payment methods were back to effect at the end of the year 2013 due to a rise experienced in home values. The main findings from the research carried out shows strong links between the value of homes and payment behaviors. Further supporting this case is the findings that were published from all the fifty states in the United States which clearly point out that a decline in home values together with high unemployment rates saw borrowers skip mortgage payments but still make payments on their credit cards. There is an example of Nevada, between the years 2006-2009, where the value of houses went down by 57%. Borrowers were seen to skip making mortgage payments while staying true to credit card payments. It’s clear that people would be more willing to default on mortgage payments because foreclosure is not really an immediate problem. it involves a long process which takes months if not years. Credit card payments on the other hand would be hard to miss, by doing so the reaction would be immediate. Banks should therefore continue to ease standards on mortgages to the payments of mortgages ahead of credit

The relationship between gender differences and the 'double bind' as Essay

The relationship between gender differences and the 'double bind' as important drivers of the glass ceiling in leadership - Essay Example Where higher thresholds of women leadership are presented, gender differences in leadership are less significant; however, where the glass ceiling or barriers to leadership are significant and are placed at lower thresholds, the gender differences in leadership are very wide. This study is on gender and leadership, specifically focusing on the relationship between gender differences and the ‘double bind’ being important drivers of the glass ceiling in leadership. Body It is important to understand first the concept of the glass ceiling. This term was first used in the 1980s mostly to refer to the barriers against women and also minorities in reaching leadership or corporate manager roles (Johns, 2013). Most governments have acknowledged that despite their best efforts to legally secure equal rights and opportunities for men and women in leadership roles, women and minorities still occupy only a small percentage of management positions and roles. Artificial barriers are s till very much preventing them from gaining more ground as leaders (Johns, 2013). In the US, a Glass Ceiling Act was even established in order to impact how businesses are filling in management positions, how developmental leadership skills are being enhanced for advancement into these positions, the compensation programmes in the workplace, and the creation of annual awards for excellence. A Glass Ceiling Commission established in 1995 identified barriers against women securing management positions. These barriers included societal, political, and internal business practices and structures (Johns, 2013). Societal barriers included prejudice, cultural, and ethnicity-based differences. Governmental barriers include the lack of sustained monitoring for compliance, weak enforcement of provisions, as well as poor recruitment and outreach issues (Johns, 2013). Companies often prefer to promote the current employees they have, not wanting to add women, even those who are highly qualified into their pool of managers. Even when installed in managerial positions, these women are still subjected to barriers relating to the styles of gender communication, socialization practices, as well as behaviour (Rajah et al., 2011). Moreover, career course barriers also serve as barriers on women seeking managerial positions. These barriers include limited guidance and mentoring opportunities, dead-end positions, different assessment practices for men and women, and difficulties in accessing informal levels of communication (Zimmerman et al., 2008). The barriers discussed above are still persistent today. The social support system for instance prevents women from gaining leadership positions, especially in relation to their work-family conditions as governments are not providing institutional support for working mothers (Johns, 2013). Women therefore are significantly challenged in balancing the demands between work and home (US Congress Joint Economic Committee, n.d.). A report fr om the US Congress Joint Economic Committee (n.d.) also indicated that the US does not grant incentive for parents, especially women seeking parental leaves as much as other members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The US only grants as much as 12 weeks, while other countries grant up to 18 weeks of parental leave (Johns, 2013). Limited flexibility in work conditions is a major factor holding women back in their work advancement. American women ordinarily take on a primary role in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Letter-to-Congressperson - Geology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter-to-Congressperson - Geology - Assignment Example Global warming leads to a rise in sea level and eventual flooding due to the rise in temperature by a few degrees that melt the ice caps. As such, countries that are below or in a short range above sea level will be in danger of flooding. The Kyoto protocol thus comes into play to prevent any factors that increase global warming. Some of the causes that have been envisaged over time are the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The Kyoto protocol has its focus on the reduction of six main greenhouse gases, which include Sulphur hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide. The gases are produced by industries and the more industries a country has, the more emissions released to the atmosphere. The United States contributes to 35% of the total emissions in the world according to the Kyoto Protocol Annex and thus should be the first country to take the protocol seriously. As it builds, more industries at present and in future the emission consequently increase. As such, the Kyoto protocol ensures that the affected countries reduce the emissions to the acceptable minimum. The United States only signed the Kyoto protocol but did not ratify it and disengaged in 2001 as noted earlier. The former president George W. Bush was instrumental in disengaging from the Kyoto protocol. Bill Clinton had signed the protocol, but it was not taken to the Senate to approve it. H noted that the coal industry would significantly be affected by the introduction of the Kyoto protocol since the country relies on it in the employment of its citizens and production of energy and use in industries. The then President George Bush sought not to ratify the protocol due to the energy crisis that he said was looming globally. Additionally, no conclusive reason was there and specified solutions for the industries in the affected countries to follow in reducing the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blacks worthy of Free

Blacks worthy of Freedom Essay Born the youngest of eleven children, Marcus Garvey started his inspiring life in the rather uninspiring town of St. Ann, Jamaica in 1887. Before his death in 1940, Garvey would revolutionize the way many Blacks throughout the world portrayed their lives and approached the White world they were thrown into. Garvey was revolutionary from many of his contemporary thinkers, Black or White. His most extreme belief was that it’s impossible for white people to responsibly hold the best interests for black people. Garvey proclaimed an activist paradigm at a time a place when black Americans most needed hopeful guidance and social rejuvenation. Garvey believed that Black people had to unite as a common faction, not one that was divided by scales of darkness, or history of family DNA, all Black could unite under the Pan-African principle. United, the rallies spread a revival amongst down trodden Black Americans, many of who were disenfranchised by White America, who only recently saw Blacks worthy of Freedom. After World War I, Europe and Africa proved themselves easy to carve. Territory boundaries were easily re-drawn on maps and countries grew, while others collapsed. The theory of new country, one founded under the principles of Garvey-ism, did not seem that distant to his followers. Eventually, under carful structure that saw room for all members of the community, Garvey’s organization, the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) grew as a symbol of rebellion against the White rulers, as well as social gathering welcoming all Blacks with the same Pan-Africanist that united everyone. Garvey sought to revive the Black community through communal strength, societal willpower, and business gumption. As his organization grew in radicalism, it spread warning of rebellion, which naturally appealed to disenfranchised blacks in all parts of the world, many of who saw Garvey as the agent of an Earthly salvation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Position Of Tesco In The Grocery Industry

The Position Of Tesco In The Grocery Industry The humble beginning of this grocery company started in 1919, and the name Tesco appeared first at the top of a shop at Edgware in 1929. This company has been growing in size and complexities ever since. The company is today the Britains leading retailer and the 3rd largest retailer in the world.(Guardian 2010) Presently, Tesco has more than 4,300 grocers, which now operate in 14 countries: South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, China, Republic of Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey and Poland, Thailand, Asia, India and US. They have over 2,329 stores overseas and are still growing. The company is good at buying and selling. The company invest in what matters to people, and that is the major thing that propels Tesco progress. This progress bestowed on The Present Chief Executive Terry Leahy who has contributed immensely to the growth of the company and that is why he has spent 13 years in the position he is still maintaining that. This is evidenced by the launch of the Loyalty Scheme club card and, internet home shopping service etc. The company passed through the global recession and yet grew stronger than it was by recording a 10% increase in profit to a mighty  £3.4 billion at April 2010. 1.1 Environmental Analysis of Tesco (PEST) The environmental analysis of Tesco will help one understand what is happening both at the inside and outside of Tesco, and to increase the probability that the organisational strategies will appropriately reflect Tescos environment. The strategy of Tesco should be directed at exploiting the environmental opportunities and to block environmental threats in a way that is consistent with the internal capabilities (Robson, 1997). Although Tesco is waxing stronger and was able to declare 10% increase in profit in spite of the recession, the analysis is still important as to determine what might affect it in the future. Environmental analysis of a company should be continuous and feed all aspects of planning. Political Factors Presently, there is no huge recognisable factor affecting Tesco. However, the winner of the fourth coming election is still unknown. Speculations have it that the Labour might loose out for the conservatives. The new government coming in might bring in a lot of unfavourable or favourable laws and policies for the UK grocery industry and other industries as well. Economic Factors The scourge of global recession that hit around 2008, this affected a lot of sectors globally. It could rather be said that Tesco withstood it by improving on there strategy, by changing there prices to suite every classes of individuals without compromising the quality. This is evidenced by 10% increment in profit they declared this year, making over 3.4 billion this year. The chairman as at last year that I am pleased to report that despite the extra ordinary economic environment we find ourselves in, Tesco has once again delivered a good set of results. This demonstrates that Tesco is coping with the down town. Despite the challenging conditions around the globe we have remained resilient and are growing as fast as any major international retailer. (Tesco 2009). After the declaration of the huge 2010 profit, Terry Leahy declared the retailer stronger than it was before the recession. (Guardian 2010).Tesco used its strategy to beat the economic recession. So the economy had no nega tive e effect on Tesco. The spending power of people could equally affect groceries. The economic crunch has made quite a number of people change the way and manner at which they buy things. For instance, because of this economic crisis, a lot of people prefer to buy ingredient and cook because they see it cheaper to do so. Inflation is another powerful factor that could affect the grocery market. This is an incessant increase in the price of items and services, leading to a drop in the currencies purchasing power. Ta However, Economists believe that supply of money is the key factor of inflation.(Economy Watch 2010). Socio-cultural Factor Lifestyle, healthy and fresh produce, immigrants and produce lines.The behaviour of humans also matters in this business. Most customers prefer buying the Tesco branded products. They prefer they go for the fresh products. Tesco are sensitive to read people and know what they need with the club cards. The peoples religion might affect the way they buy things, they might declare fasting within a location it could be mostly in there international locations, and it will reduce the number of sales within such periods. So Tesco take time to consider these as it affects the business. The population of inhabitants and the kind of life they live and the class of people within an area affects a business. Technological Factor Technology is another key thing that contributes to Tescos success is the introduction of Tesco club card. This has helped Tesco in reading and knowing the need of over 16 million of there club card holders in the UK and over 400 million globally. They know what you need and they provide them, which is one of there key success factors. The implementation of Information technology has contributed towards the efficient management of inventories logistics and ware housing which helps in bringing the cost down. Automatic tills, their online operations, electronic supply chain management etc Industry Analysis UK grocery industry is a highly contributor towards UK economy, as buyers are in need everyday and people must satisfy their needs everyday. The buyers in the UK are equally very big because grocery/retail industry is a must in our everyday lives. There are a number of grocers in the UK: Tesco, Morrison, Asda, wal-mart, Sainsburys, Co-op, Iceland, Waitrose, MS, Netto, Farmfoods, Aldi, and Somerfield etc There are the major player in the industry which include Tesco , Sainsbury, Morrison, Iceland, Asda Wal-Mart, MS. The Grocery industry could be examined properly by adopting the Michael porters five forces. Which include the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, and threat of new entrants, Threats of substitutes and Rivalry among competitors? 2.1 Porter Five Forces: Tesco The bargaining power of supplier in this industry matters, the key player in the industry now is Tesco and there are others like Sainsburys, Iceland, Morrisons but Tesco is just the giant, in the UK grocery industry. They made a profit of  £3.4 billion this year 2010 despite the scourge of the economic down turn. Tesco as a competitor buy in a very large scale because they have over 2000 stores in the UK and about 2300 stores across the UK. They have a wider market share, and they have a very high advantage over there suppliers. This is critical success factor that Tesco picks on to keep on dominating in the industry. They could even fix prices for their suppliers. What then could be the fate of other competitors in the system? MS is great going by that brand name the company has. It is a nice advantage. Asda Wal-Mart is equally waxing well in the industry after it was acquired by Wal-Mart in 1999.They get there supplies within and outside of UK. Sainsburys adopted other means to beat the market, they grow there own organic products even their meat in order to grow and maintain stands in the market. They do this in collaboration with the farmers. The same applies to Morrisons and Iceland. They use other measures to get supplies, and they do not depend on a particular source of supplies. (Guardian 2010) Bargaining power of buyers in this industry is not so significant yet it matters in the sense that even though prices are fixed and the consumers (buyer) can not bargain, they can check in other outlets. In that case they will not buy the product. The availability of various grocers at a place will make prices drop more. Though the price drop down may not be in the favour of the competitors. It is beneficial to consumers, and not the buyers. For instance, Tesco as a top grocer, with over 2000 locations in UK and still expanding, have a higher market share, they have a higher supply advantage ,consumers will not have bargaining power over them, as they have already brought down their prices and have numerous locations scattered all over the city. This is most likely to be affecting other key players in the industry. New Entrant coming into the industry will easily start because of the large market share of the grocery industry but will rather find it very difficult to penetrate the market and beat the already existing competitors especially the giant like Tesco. The grocery environment in the UK could be seen as oligopolistic one. The major grocers in the UK are few and the market share for this industry is large. Yet it would be difficult for a new firm to spring up or rather the younger firms to rise, except for a bigger firm to acquire an existing one. Just like Wal-Mart acquired Asda in 1999. ( ASDA 2010). It is because of the high rate of competition in the industry, and most other grocers like Sainsburys, Morrisons, Iceland, and MS were adopted growth strategies, and where increasing there location most especially Tescos. The Grocers in the industry has diversified and they do a umber of different product ranging from home use products, electronics, technologies, automobile, etc. This is a strategy for them to survive in the industry. In this industry, threat of substitute does not really take so much effect; this is mostly all about food. Buying a product here is almost the same in the other shop. For instance buying a digestive biscuit in Tesco, you go to another shop to buy digestive of different brand, it does not make much effect because they are all biscuits. They do not deal on one item; they deal on a variety of items. So, one can not substitute tens of thousands of item, when a normal grocer does ten brand of same item or product. However, where threat could be envisaged is at, may be the health/hygiene product. For example, the government has publicized to encourage healthy eating. It recommends eating 5 a day it has been noted by many other food retailers, who now label their foods with in depth nutritional information. The degree of rivalry in the grocery industry in the UK is very high. Highly perishable items are part of the contributor of the rivalry in the industry. Tesco is indeed an extremely powerful economic force in the in the industry. They are growing every now and then. They have the highest number of branches in the UK; UK is their biggest market when compared to other locations outside the UK. This is evidenced by the huge profit of  £3.4 billion profit they recorded this 2010. It is a 10% increment in profit when compared to last years profit. It is today beloved that in every  £10 spent on grocery in the UK, Tescos account for  £3. Tesco occupy about 2/3 of the grocery market in the UK. Presently they are rated the 3rd retailer in the world. In addition to the degree of rivalry, this report will explain the competitors analysis that has been taken place in this industry (Quick MBA 2007). (remember to affix in text reference in the industry analysis where necessary) 3.0 Competitor Analysis for Tesco Porters five forces will be a better tool for accessing the stand point of Tesco in the grocery industry. These include the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of new entrant, threat of substitute and the degree of rivalry. The bargaining power of suppliers towards Tesco is very low, as Tesco is such a very large grocer. They have over 2000 stores within the UK only and 4300 stores in general, so as such they buy in a larger quantity far greater than its competitor. Going by this bulky purchase, the suppliers seem to be at their mercy because of their high demand of products. They tell the suppliers what to sell and they stick to that. Considering the huge profit they declared this year 2010, inspite of the economic downturn, the strategy they adopted was that they have envisaged the change in the behaviour of people, and they changed strategy by doing more discount, price ranging for various classes of people, whilst maintaining its quality, and doing more promotions. They tell the supplier what they will buy; they have no choice than to succumb to it. More so Tesco produce most of their foods and meat by employing or hiring people. (Tesco 2010). The bargaining power of buyers towards Tesco is obviously very poor. This report suggests that there is no power Tesco buyers have at all. Tesco is absolutely in charge. Tesco wields so much power in the grocery business and they have brought their prices so low to match different classes of people in the society. More over their prices are fixed already. They provide promo for their customers and issue free club cards that grants you point in any item you purchase that is above a pound. At the end they use it to calculate the points and read what your likes and shopping behaviour. With this, they give offers to its customers. So, Tesco always have their focus on its customers. (Guardian 2010). Threat of new entrant is never an issue to Tesco PLC because of their strengths, which include but are not limited to their brand name, the large number of their locations, The higher number of their staff, their chain business, The high power they have over their suppliers and buyer and so on. However, a new entrant can come as an existing world class retailer to acquire or merge with another top retailer that is the only way they could penetrate. Though even at that, it is still very difficult to beat Tesco most especially in the UK as it is evidenced in the 2010 Tescos strategic intent;to develop retailing services, maintain strong core UK business and be as strong as non-food, as in food. (Tesco 2010) Threat of new substitute could not be seen much in a high degree when it comes to Tesco and grocery industry at large. Tesco sell their branded food as well as other products from various brand. So any substitute that is food, every tendency is their for Tesco to sell it. Another thing is that because of their high bargaining power, they could buy over a producer and that product will be done in the name of Tesco. Nevertheless, the switching cost for customers could be easy, but it could be hindered by proximity barrier because before he could walk for 5 to 10 minutes, he will see another Tesco shop instead of others. One can not because of one item and travel so far. Tesco has withstood the threats of Rivalry in the grocery industry through a number of ways, these include: The long years of consistence and care towards its customers, Their high bargaining power, The loyalty they have built vis-à  -vis their customers, Their high network of branches, their technologies, chains of other businesses, high performance all year round, they where able to make huge profits this year 2010. 10% increment against what they made last year in spite of the global down turn.(Tesco 2010). It is also believed presently that out of every  £10 spent on food here in the UK, Tesco accounts for  £3 pounds Guardian 2010). More so, Tesco keeps on bringing in more and more strategies that will make them be the no.1 in the world as they hope to be as strong in non food as in food, an international retailer, Maintain a strong core UK business, develop retailing services and put community at the heart of what they do. The competition is there, but Tesco has a core competency in the grocery industry. They wield much power. (Tesco is in the star position of the BCG Matrix. They have a high market growth rate and a high market share. Their 2010 revenue is  £62.54 billion while the 2010 operational income is  £3.41 billion i.e. 10% increment against 2009). 4.0 Portfolio Analysis This could be seen as the collection of a business and product that make up the company. The best business portfolio is the one that match the companys strengths and help bring out the attractive opportunities. The two better best known portfolio planning methods are the BCG matrix and the McKinsey / General Electric Matrix. In GE Matrix, market attractiveness replaced market growth of BCG as the dimension of the industry attractiveness and includes other range of factors other than the Market growth rate. Secondly, competitive strength replaces market share as the dimension by which the competitive position of each SBU is assessed. (Tutor2u 2010) Market Growth Rate of Tesco Tesco is a great force in the grocery market. The major strengths of Tesco is: they have their focus on customers at all times, Like the MD would ask what do you need. They believe that when you look after your customers, everything else will look after itself. Yes other companies are as focused as Tescos, but size of the company is a great strength. Having more locations means selling more, cause most shoppers goes to the nearest shop to buy. The more locations for Tesco brings about selling more, and selling more brings about better buying terms ,and which brings about lower pricing and or higher profit margin. The lower prices then bring in higher sales volume. Tesco has made itself classless with price ranges formed to cater across the board.(Guardian 2010). In summary, Tescos focus on customers; their numerous stores scattered all over and their classless pricing is the major strength that brings about the market growth. They declare huge profits at all year. In spite of the recession, Tesco declared  £3.41 billion profit this April 2010 i.e. a 10% increment in profit as against 2009 financial report. However, the people have a high demand for Tesco products majorly because its close to them and because they sell cheaper and general items, you must need in one or two ways. They have a very high bargaining power over their suppliers and buyers. Their market growth rate is indeed very high. Market Share of Tesco The club card which rewards customers is a good contributor to Tescos success. There is a research group called dunhumby co owned by Tesco, they analyse the 16 million cards and study the buying habits of there shoppers and tailor offers to them. This factor contributes to their high market share. Tesco has existed for 91 years, and as such they multiply in size and complexity as the year goes bye. This has given rise to so many loyalists to the company. The various promo they arrange for their shoppers from time to time especially at this recession, helps build up Tescos market share. Tesco today has the highest market share in the grocery industry in the UK. 5.0 SWOT Analysis for Tesco (Explain a brief about swot) Strengths of Tesco The strengths are those things that propel the steady growth of Tesco. Usually, they are positive things .It could be by way of action of the company, process, or service. These include: the introduction of Tesco club card which not only makes them no the no. Of their dedicated customers, but helps in offer to their customers. Tesco have a very high reputation in the grocery market and as such that makes their market share so high. The technologies Tesco have are an added advantage to them and they try to improve on it everyday. The own label ranges e.g. Tesco finest; Their range of store format e.g. Tesco express convenience stores, Tesco metro stores which can be found on high street and in city centres, Tesco super stores and Tesco extra-Hypermarket. they have They have a very powerful supplier relations ion. The scattered locations they have is an added advantage, their strengths is very high and they beat their rivals in the industry, They have over 2300 locations outside the co untry and still expanding. This adds to their market share globally. They have got a good distribution chain; Tesco has a very strong brand. Their online services is an advantage as well, they offer high quality items to people. Most of the other grocers in the UK does not have their own research company, but Tesco does and has contributed towards Tesco growth, especially in the area of Tesco club card. Above all, it is pertinent to note that Tesco withstands every force that may likely affect their grocery business. Weaknesses This could be seen as things that could or makes Tesco not to meet their objectives. This weakness could also be seen as those elements that hampers the growth and development of Tesco. Though that there is no recognisable weakness of Tesco because of their core competency and team player spirit they posses. One recognisable weakness this report may suggest is that they need to improve on their market, they have not yet fully covered the whole of UK; they do not provide fresh fruits in Tesco, especially at Tesco Express. They have not gained full dominance in the world when it comes to retails. Opportunities These are those external things that could improve the Tesco more. Some of the opportunities of Tesco include: Tescos objective to open a Tesco cash and carry shop at India is an opportunity for them to explore. Tesco plans to open bank this year 2010,They hope to create more employment this year by recruiting about 9000 employees more. Some of the other grocer is not doing well at the moment, so that could be an opportunity for them to acquire them. Threats Threats of Tesco are those factors that are beyond the control of Tesco, and they are likely to jeopardize the company. Some of these threats include: The daisy nature of area of investment or diversification could pose a threat due to unforeseen events. Grocers could start to reduce price even to a break-even point. There could be Likely tendency of 2 or more mergers to form a more formidable player in the industry to compete with Tesco, unforeseen inflation could pose a threat to Tescos Strategy and the value rate of GBP is dropped gradually in recent times. 6.0 Vision Providing value, care and satisfaction to its customers and its people; through collaborative efforts. 6.1 Mission To maintain a strong core local and international business by creating value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. 6.2 Objectives of Tesco This report states that the objectives of Tesco are: providing customers with quality items that goes in commensuration with their money value; offering progressive returns on investment for their shareholders, improving on technology and investing on efficient stores and distribution depot for profit maximisation. Build a long term rapport with the suppliers so as to gain a lasting relationship based on price and quality level; help in protecting the environment; focusing on the community and catering for them, through the provision of customers needs based on steady soughting of their opinion on the aspect of quality, pricing, innovation, technology and other aspects whilst acting on them; awarding all its staff an equal opportunity , by giving them good training and proper management practices; contributing in the National Food Industry Policy, in the area of food hygiene, health safety and nutrition. 6.3 Measures Some of the things Tesco should adopt in order to achieve there objectives is to continue with low price and promos because people has not fully recovered from the recession, in addition, they should also continue to increase their locations because their are some places that Tesco needs to establish in. Doing this could go a great length to be building more and more their market share they should extend this to the Tesco international, as this would take them up a bit in the global ranking. They should adhere strictly to any laid down format towards achieving the companys objectives; these include Key performance Indicator. They should continue to maintain and protect the Environment locally and internationally. Never should they fail in constantly taking care of there customers by fulfilling their social responsibility. Tesco must continual with staff training and management practice across board and equally invest more on RD, for farther progress. 6.4 Strategic Intent Inasmuch as Tesco has attained a height in the grocery industry in the UK, they need to take it up to a commanding height of excellence by becoming the no. 1 in the globe. They need to establish anywhere favourable in Africa, after a careful research. In that case, this report suggests that Tesco should improve on the position they are at present, and climb to the next level as a world leader in food and non food market. 7.0 Strategic Development The summary of Tescos Objectives is to be an international retailer, maintain a strong core UK business, be as strong as in non food as in food, develop retailing services and put community at the heart of what they do. The Ansoff matrix will be a better tool to decide Tescos development strategy. Tesco need to improve, to be rated no 1 in the globe. Existing Products New Products Existing Market New Market Diagram 1: Ansoff Matrix Representation. 7.1 Market Penetration Tesco need to spread more of their products (its known already) spread more branches within UK so as to make business impossible for new entrant, and make business tougher for the existing ones, more customers will be using the product etc. Market development Tesco need to expand and as such this strategy will Tesco sell their existing products at new markets. This is most needed in the overseas where they are yet to be known. Product development This strategy is essential to adopt when Tesco wants to introduce any of their new products into an existing market like UK. Diversification It is a strategy that will enable Tesco market new products such as other non food items, in a new market. Tesco hope to establish a bank soonest in the UK, they could equally strategize on extending to other countries. They should adopt this strategy would help. 8.0 Strategic Implementation For market penetration strategy, it needs to be adapted to in order to boost the market share. They will achieve this by continually highly distinguished competitive price and more promotions for the customers, personal selling is encouraged and advertising. This will go a great length to dominate the market for Tesco. The management of Tesco needs to approve aggressive promotional campaign, with this will go vis-à  -vis a pricing strategy that will make other the market unattractive for other competitors. When they are doing this, they are restructuring a mature market for themselves. They also need to introduce a loyalty scheme. They should carry out a market development strategy to extend to those existing markets they have not been to with their already existing products. Just like some other countries in Asia. They should extend their existing products to such places. They need new competencies and those products should be modified so as to draw the attention of the existing market. Diversification could be a risky strategy. Tesco is about to start a Bank soon, which is expected to cash on opposition that exist amidst consumers toward UKs banks. (Guardian 2010),it is a good growth strategy for them, because this was what helped them, they started a non food items in 1997 which was led by Terry Leahy the chief Executive of Tesco (Tesco 2010) ands it immensely contributed to their profits. The Tesco non food raised 6.2% to  £13.1 billion with  £9 billion in the UK. They made  £4.1 billion in international. (Tesco corporate 2010). They should apply their usual process; use the competencies to carefully assess the risk involved and the gains in the diversification they would make. 9.0 Recommendations and Conclusion Inasmuch as Tesco is the leading grocer or retailer in the UK, they need to adopt the market penetration strategy of Ansoff matrix to dominate the market completely and broaden more and more their market share, thereby making the present notion that in every  £10 spent in grocery market in UK, Tesco account for  £3.The notion will change to every  £12 spent, Tesco accounts for  £6. It would be easier because they are not new in the market. Tesco need to use their competencies to extend and develop in foreign places, most especially Africa. They exist in almost other continents, but not Africa. Africa contributes either directly or indirectly so much towards the Economic growth in UK and America. (Lagos Chamber of commerce) Tesco should be continual in the study of customers so as to know the best strategy to adopt when there is another economic or socio-cultural situation. In conclusion, Tesco needs is a large diversified company and obviously they are doing better than others, but they still need to adhere to those measures and observe these suggested recommendations to be a world leader in retail industry. References/Bibliographies AICC (2010) Industry Analysis; The five forces [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 26th April 2010] Economywatch (2010) Inflation; Economic inflation [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010] Guardian, (2010) Tesco beats the recession to unveil record profits again [online].Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Porter M.E.(1980) Competitive Strategy; Technique for analysing industries and competitors. New York: First Free Press. Quick MBA (2007) Strategic Management [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Robson W. (2007). Strategic Management and Information Systems. 2ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Smith P. J. (2006). Strategic Planning Readings. Cape Town: Creda Communications Socyberty, (2007) Government intervention in the UK supermarket Industry [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Tesco PLC, (2009) Tesco Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2009 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010) Tesco corporate (2010) Tesco Plc Preliminary Results 2009/10 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010) Tesco (2010) Media press releases 2010 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Factors that Caused the Financial Crisis

Factors that Caused the Financial Crisis The world had faced two major financial disasters during 20th century. The first crisis happened during 1920-30, which mainly affected the developed countries like Europe and America. Second crisis started in 1997 and stayed till 1999, mainly affected developing economies of Asia pacific. The recent financial crisis which has awakened the whole world mainly resulted from unregulated financial market. It has created serious anxiety because it falls outwards from U.S, the starting point. Alan Greenspan recently called it a once-in-a-century credit tsunami, born of a collapse deep inside the US housing sector. In order to avoid complete meltdown, governments and central banks worked day and night. Trillions of dollars have been allocated to financial institutions by the governments to recover from the crisis in the United States alone Who were the culprits of financial crisis? It is impossible to held just single factor responsible for such a big mass in the absence of other factors. In my research i want to analyse the contribution of each factor but the questions arise in my mind is How did Lehman Brother, the fourth largest investment bank in USA failed? Why majority of financial institutions failed in compare to other institutions? This surly point towards irresponsible activities by financial institutions in their main business LENDING. So focus of my research is to find out the dominant role of easy lending in present crisis along with other factors. The effect of financial crisis 2008 was such sever that even allocating huge amount to address the issues proven insufficient to resolve it. Congress approved $700 billion in response to the problem. Federal reserve spend $1.3 trillion to bail out markets and institution that includes investments in risky assets, loans to bankrupt institutions, sharing such debt which were defaulting at faster rates (Morris, 2008). A further $900 billion were allocated as lending to large corporations (Aversa, 2008), reaching the total of nearly $3 trillion as bailout package so far, without even adding the big amount of corporate debt promised by the U.S government year before the crisis An understanding of the root causes of this colossal failure that has put the entire financial systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ at risk (Woellert and Kopecki, 2008) is necessary to avoid such failures in the future. Number of factors can be held responsible for financial crisis which emerged over number of years. Causes propos ed include the following sub-prime mortgages/ easy lending Poor credit rating Failure of regulators Shadow banking Securitization Credit default swap Mortgage backed securities Assets backed commercial paper etc Aims and Objective Aim of this research is to understand the root causes of financial crisis particularly lending practises as a major factor. Objectives To explore the history of financial crisis To evaluate who were the victims and culprits of financial crisis Impact of financial crisis on other countries (UK, USA, India, Japan) What steps are being taken by government to overcome crisis What could be done to prevent repetition of crisis in future? Literature Review: How did we get to this point? Surprisingly it all started from residential mortgages in the U.S. It had become apparent from 2004 that mortgages issued to majority of consumers did not make any rational sense. Situation was more worsted by so called mortgage brokers who issued mortgages to many insolvent consumers in order to generate outsized fees. On other hand new financial vehicles called mortgage-backed securities (MBS) rated by well know credit rating agencies were introduced by Wall Street. These high yielding mortgage-backed securities were bought by investors from all over the world which increased funding for new mortgages. Appraiser ignored all rules to meet the increasing demand of mortgage applications. Federal Reserve board appointed by congress in 1994 to regulate mortgage lenders decided to watch the game from pavilion. Finally as the bubble accelerates, there is necessary reckoning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" house prices collapsed. This is how greediness and irresponsibility resulted into a biggest financial crisis (Schmudde, 2008). Sub-prime mortgages which are always blamed for financial crisis is only a component of the deeper problem. The value of credit default swaps, which was originally estimated to be $55 trillion by the securities and exchange ( 4 times higher then the actual figure) are totally unregulated and majority of them were contracted over the phone without any verification, is the root cause from which all the problems of crisis started (Simon, 2008). Regulators had forecasted the problem of present crisis years in advance were not taken seriously because of the successful business by the same financial institutions which are either bankrupt or funded by the government (Associated Press, 2008). According to Bernanke (2009) and Portes (2009) global imbalances are the fundamental cause of the crisis and it is not possible to fully understand present crisis without considering the issue of global imbalances. As per Jagannathan, Kapoor, and Schaumberg (2009) imbalances in labour supply can assist to understand the present crisis. Acharya and Richardson(2009), and Acharya and Schnabl (2009) argue that banks were suppose to transfer the risks to end investors while securitising, particularly in the case of asset-backed commercial paper and purchase of AAA-rated tranches but they never did which led them to huge pool of credit risks. Schmudde (2009) documents that no verification of consumers income were done while issuing sub-prime mortgages. Many of them were issued for or close to 100% of the house price. Even borrowers with bad credit history easily managed to get mortgages. This is one of the reasons for huge growth in subprime mortgages which increased from $35 billion to $8 07 billion between1995 to 2005. According to Bartlett (2008) decline of US subprime mortgage triggered the crisis, the impact of the down fall was tremendous; Mark-to-market losses on mortgage backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, and related assets through March 2008 were approximate $945 billion. He further said that it is The largest financial loss in history, in compared to $780 billion of 1990 Japans banking crisis, lost accrued from Asian crisis of 1997-98 about $420 billion. . While explaining the reason how did this crisis turn into a global crisis, Khatiwada and McGirr (2008) stated Many of these Sub-prime mortgages actually never made it on the balance sheets of the lending Institutions that originated them; and such mortgages by rating them high were made attractive to world investors, when sub-prime borrowers failed to repay their mortgages, the originating institution needed to finance the foreclosure with their own money, bringing the asset back on its balance sheet. This left many banks in a financially unviable situation, in a rather short, unmanageable timeframe. According to Mian and Sufi (2008) increased demand for mortgage backed securities led to lending boom which is the root cause of present crisis. Whalen (2008) argues that three main factors are at the root of the problem. First, many companies, banks, and government agencies were encouraged to increase the viability of affordable housing by introducing creative financing techniques. Second, big number of over-the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"counter derivatives and securities were issued by majority of financial institutions due to huge support by the regulators, led to a breakdown in safety and soundness at banks and securities lenders. And the last factor is fir value accounting an ill-advised by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the financial accounting standards board (FASB) to all public company to change the reporting standards. The nations biggest subprime lender, Ameriquest Mortgage co., gave more then US$20 million as a political donation. Other financial institutions like citigroup inc., wells Fargo co., donated huge amount on political side and on lobbying. This donation helped these institutions to persuade legislators to pass predatory-lending laws which might have contributed to present crisis to some extent (Simpson, 2007). According to Shiller (2008) the following factors played very big role in present crisis: Strategy of home ownership which encourage even those who could not afford one. The link between mortgage originator and receiver of payments broke due to mortgage securitization. Because of this there was no reason for mortgage originator to verify the solvency of borrowers. Many loans were issued at low interest rate or even at zero rates with the use of new financial techniques but afterwards rate were increased too high. Research Methodology Methodology plays a very crucial role in how research will be carried out. Methodology is an explanation of why you collected certain data, what data you collected, from where you collected it, when you collected it, how you collected it and how you analysed it (Collins, 2003). The researcher requires an interviewer or observer skills to gather data in the qualitative methods. This method requires collecting and analysing the data and applying the statistical tests (Riley, 2004). Qualitative research interprets opinion of the people in the sample, their way of looking at the subject, what they feel about subject and the dynamic interpret feeling on the subjects (Guari, 2005). The quantitative method mainly uses research instruments to gather, analyse and measure the data. Quantitative approach is more subjective approach. Quantitative approach includes analysing and reflecting on perception to understand social and human activities (Collins, 2003). The main purpose of this chapter is to explain and justify the primary research method which I have chosen to carry out my research. This chapter will also explain the significance of secondary data and state what sources of secondary data i will be using. Source of Acquisition of data Primary data Primary data collection means to collect new data of subjects for specific purpose. The different methods of collecting primary data are questionnaire, interview and sampling (Saunders, 2003). For my research it is very important to get some primary data to understand the topic in practical sense. By taking interview of the head of financial institution, will add extra value to my research and will broaden my understanding of topic as a whole. I will be collecting my primary data through interview with Mr Mitesh Sheth, Deputy Head of Henderson Global Investors. The main focus of interview will be to get their opinion about how did this crisis started, what was there response etc. I am also trying to contact few other key people but too early to mention anything about them yet. Secondary Data Secondary data means data collected previously for some purpose. The main sources of such data are library, internet, articles, business journals, research organization (Saunders, 2003). Methods of data analysis After collecting primary and secondary data the next stage is to evaluate or analyse the collected data. To convert data into graphs will be the easiest way to analyse the data. Hypothesis I will be analysing total amount of lending by US banks to solvent and insolvent borrowers and comparing their rate of default to conclude my research. Work Plan   Proposal submit 21st June literate review 31st July Preparation for interview 5th August Interview of selected person 10th August Analysis of data 20th August Start writing reports 15th September Draft report 10th October Final report October end On successfully completion of my dissertation I hope to come to a positive conclusion. I will utilise all the recourses available to me in order to draw out conclusion. Such as charts, graphs, historical data, interview, questionnaires etc.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Conveyance of Emotion in the Writing of Zora Neale Hurston Essay

The Conveyance of Emotion in the Writing of Zora Neale Hurston Sharpening Her Oyster Knife: I am not tragically colored. There is no great sorrow dammed up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all. I do not belong to the sobbing school of Negrohood who hold that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty deal and whose feelings are all hurt about it....No, I do not weep at the world -- I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife. ___Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neale Hurston kept busy sharpening her oyster knife not to prepare for any violent confrontations with white society but quite the opposite, to extract the raw materials from her own culture and cultivate them into priceless treasures. To Hurston the Negro was always in vogue (Hughes). She didn't wait for the white culture to place its stamp of approval on the subject matter she knew and loved so well. In her well-known essay, "How It Feels to Be Colored Me," Hurston makes reference to society's view of her a the granddaughter of slaves: "It is quite exciting to hold the center of the national stage, with the spectators not knowing whether to laugh or to weep." Hurston must have felt that way about her writing also; she threw it out there and let the audience do with it what they willed. Sometimes we laugh; sometimes we cry. But humor always hovers nearby in all of her writing and serves as the emotional salvation needed to compensate for the often heavy subject m atter (Fauset, 166). Throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston indicates that to refuse one's heritage is cultural suicide, and the loss of laughter represents an early symptom. In the novel, throug... ...w York: HarperCollins, 1995. Hurston, Zora Neale. "The Gilded Six-Bits." ZNH: The Complete Stories. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1937. Jones, Gayl. "Breaking Out of the Conventions of Dialect." Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. Eds. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K. A. Appiah. New York: Amistad, 1993. Lowe, John. "'Cast in Yo' Nets Right Here': Finding a Comic Voice." Jump at the Sun. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994. Miller, Rachel. "Narrative Strategy in Hurston's 'Sweat'." Wall, Cheryl A. "Zora Neale Hurston: Changing Her Own Words." Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. Eds. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K. A. Appiah. New York: Amistad, 1993.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

President Abraham Lincoln :: Biographies Bio Biography

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He was raised in a farm near Hodgenville, Kentucky. During his childhood Abraham was in the period of slavery, but the Lincoln family did not own any slaves, not only because they couldn’t afford it, but also his father Thomas did not approve of it. Later in 1816 the Lincoln family had to move to Indiana, near the Ohio River. Soon enough in 1818 Abraham’s mother, Nancy Lincoln, died of milk sickness. After the mother died, Thomas found a new wife named Sarah Bush Johnston. A few years later, the life in Indiana wasn’t as expected and the family had to move to Macon Country, Illinois. Abraham believed that he should be off by himself, and soon enough is what he did at the age of 23, and later he began his political career and became a member of the Whig party, and also a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives. In 1832, after being fired from his job at a store, he decided to join the Illinois militia to help fight in the Black Hack war, and was chosen captain by his group. He served his country for 3 months, and it changed his life forever, because during the time he was in the militia, he saved an innocent Native American from being attacked from the other soldiers in the camp. When things were bad for him, he gave it his best to bring himself up again, and in 1834 Lincoln ran for state legislature, and in a few years he learned everything to become a lawyer and took an oath to the Illinois state bar. His life changed after that, and had many opportunities, even to run for governor of Illinois, but he declined it. Then in 1839 when he was at a cotillion in Springfield, he met the love of his life Mary Todd. She was from Lexington, Kentucky but from an upper class background. They were from different worlds, but they managed to work things out, and they married on November 4, 1842. The next year was their time of their life when they found out that Mary was pregnant with their son Robert, he was born August 1, 1843. Soon, they Lincoln family owned a house where they could have their own space, and a few years later, they had their second child named Edward on March 10, 1846.

Baseball :: essays research papers

Baseball Central Michigan University baseball is one of the finest in the state of Michigan. Baseball players at C.M.U. are dedicated to being the best on and off the field. I had the privilege of working baseball for my first PES 283 rotation, and I think I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Coach Kriener demands the athletes to be the best students-athletes that they can be. I believe this is one reason no senior has graduated in twenty years without winning a ring. He teaches them to be winners; he will not accept anything but the best. I believe that the best way to avoid injuries is to be in shape and use common sense. There are many factors that could cause injury on a baseball diamond. The best way to make our job as trainers easier is to prevent these injuries. The best way to prevent injury is to make sure that all the equipment is put on the side and not on the middle of the field, where someone going for a foul does not trip over a baseball or a helmet. I do not think athletes really think in such terms until someone actually gets hurt. One thing that I always kept my eye on when I was working was to make sure the catcher's were wearing their face mask when they were warming the pitchers in the bullpen. At first, the athletes thought I was telling them to put their mask on as an authoritative figure; however, after I explained to them it was for their own good, and I was only looking out for their safety, they realized why I was doing it. I believe one way to get the respect of the athletes and coaches on a team is to let them see you care about them, and you as the trainer care about them winning. Warming and cooling down before and after practice is another good way to prevent injury. Warming up by running and then stretching will help prevent injury. Light jogging gets the blood supply flowing and will enhance the stretch. I believe it also gets the athlete ready to perform. Stretching will also promote flexibility, a big factor with being "in shape." The cool down period is also important in making sure the athlete stays in shape aerobically. This will maximize the practice. I always made sure the athletes did all their running before they received their ice. I found out the N.C.A.A. really did not impose a lot of safety factors for baseball.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Art Experiences Essay

I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. From the time I was in Kindergarden to my senior year in high school I’ve been doing arts and crafts. I’ve had art teachers, vacation bible school leaders, and my parents teaching me how to create things my whole life. I usually only recieve art instruction when I sign up for art courses. I’ve completed all sorts of art projects including paintings, clay, abstract, landscapes and all other types of activities. I had two very good art instructors in high school and they were very critical and rewarding and that probably is why I enjoy art as much as I do. I’ve had a very broad range of activities from drawing with charcoal and pencils to painting and sculptings. For the most part most of my art activities weren’t holiday centered they were more of your own imagination and idea’s. All of my art projects were graded on pretty specific grading rubrics. It measured how much you worked on it and made sure that you followed all of the necessary guidelines. I have had a great experience with art in my past and I’m excited to learn more about it. My strengths in art I would say would be that I really enjoy drawing and shading pictures of things and my weakness is that I don’t really know that much about the history of art and where it all came from. Art relates to society very much so. Advertising is used everywhere you go and you wouldn’t have that without art skills. I am very excited to learn more about the history of art and sharpen up my old art skills.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Powwow of Love

The 30th annual MSU Pow-Wow of Love was held on March 16, 2013. Arriving at Jenison Fieldhouse around 7. 35pm, I found myself breaking one of the rules. I entered the building from the east entrance – where the entrance was reserved just for the dancers. I then walked towards the dance arena, where the crowd gathered. The first thing that caught my eyes was the colorful and unique dance regalia or outfit worn by the dancers. Bright colors such as yellow, orange, red, and light blue wrapped around the dancers beautifully.The older looking male dancers were wearing the feather warbonnets on the head and bustles on the back. Dancers with striking multicolored beaded and fringed outfits were crowding the dance floor. Some of the female dancers dressed simple with their colorful fringed shawls. I noticed that some dancers even had bells attached to their ankles or dance outfits that they wore. I also was told that the feathers and leathers used were inherited from their father up t o their great grandfather. The sight was so magnificent – it made me excited to stay for the show.The dancing has already started when I arrived. I was told that they were doing the ‘Intertribal Dance’. In this particular dance, everyone is welcome to take part – even the spectators. The dancers moved in a circular clockwise motion a without any particular moves. They then invited the public to join them in the dance. I was hesitating to try it at first. But I told myself that won’t get the experience anywhere else. So, I decided to just do it. The basic step is the same step used by traditional dancers. First, one foot is tapped on one beat, placed down flatly.The action is then repeated with the opposite foot, without missing a beat. I enjoyed taking part in the dance as it was the only chance for me to experience the Native American culture closely. Other dances that were performed are the ‘Fallen Feather’ dance, the Two-Step dance a nd the ‘Social Dance’. Out of all these dances, the ‘Fallen Feather’ dance fascinated me the most. It was performed because a feather fell from dancer’s outfit. It was performed by four of the veteran male dancers. They danced around and one of the dancers picked up the feather at the end of the dance – while saying the prayers to it.The feather was then given back to the dancer who dropped it. I was told that in some cases, if the feather is not claimed, the person who picked it up can give it to anyone he thinks deserve the feather. During this dance, the spectators were asked to stand and remove their hats to respect the ceremony. Also, to protect its sacredness, pictures and videos were not allowed to be taken during the dance ceremony. After watching all the dances, I went to check out the art vendors. I would say that the arts and handicrafts made are eye-catching. The beadworks are impeccable.Most of the arts were based on their beliefs and lifestyles. For example, the dreamcatcher was made to prevent nightmare. The rabbit foot, the turtle necklace, the bone knifes, blankets and weavings were some of the famous handicrafts sold that day. I even bought myself a dreamcatcher as a souvenir. I feel so honored to have experienced this ‘Pow-Wow’ event. They have such great pride and respect for their land, culture and tradition. Most of the Native Americans that I encountered that day do not look like those people I saw in the movie – they look much like the Americans.And what amaze me most is that they still live up to their culture and tradition despite the difficulties they experienced in the past and the U. S. government’s policies towards banning some of the Native American cultures in the name of ‘assimilation’ – to assimilate Native Americans  into the mainstream US  culture. Overall, this experience has altered my perceptions about how the Native Americans reall y look and live their life. Being an international student, this is definitely one of the most memorable nights I’ve ever experience in the U. S.